DALLA PROTEZIONE DEL PANORAMA ALLO SCAMBIO DI QUOTE INQUINANTI. Le difficoltà di comunicazione nel campo del diritto ambientale
Environment, international treaties, supranational legislation, legal translations, case lawAbstract
The field of environmental law is governed by several sources, of different origin, both supranational and domestic. The combination of sources having different levels of authority is not an obvious exercise for judges. The shift in the point of view from a legislative tradition of acts meant to preserve the natural beauty, the sightseeing of the countryside or the architectural harmony of cities has caused confusion in terminology, in notions, in structure of the provisions. Supranational legislation is often drafted in one or – at most – two languages. This means that translations have to be provided. Whenever the original text uses vague or flexible expressions, a chance for misunderstanding or deviation is open. The original imprint of many European provisions is economic rather than legal: this affects the style and precision of the terminology that is later delivered to the courts to be enforced. A few examples of non-corresponding provisions illustrate this recurring problem.References
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