La temporalité de l’expérience amoureuse moderne à partir des apports d’Eva Illouz

  • Francesca Caiazzo Université de Sherbrooke


Through the analysis of Eva Illouz’s essays Why Love Hurts (2012) and Unloving. A Society of Negative Relations (2020), this paper aims to analyze the temporality of the contemporary experience of love. It will be claimed that the new role of emotions and sexuality has changed the temporal dimension of love in three different ways: in its chronological order, in its speed and in its relationship to future. Particular attention will be devoted to the impact of these transformations on women.

Biographie de l'auteur

Francesca Caiazzo, Université de Sherbrooke

Ph.D candidate in French Studies and a research assistant at the Université de Sherbrooke (Canada), as well as a literary translator. Specialized in contemporary literature (Université Lumière Lyon 2) and in gender studies (Université Paris 8), her research focuses on different writings and representations of sexuality in francophone contemporary literature.

II. Les espaces de la amour