La sixième extinction de masse


  • Massimo Sandal RWTH Aachen University



Mass extinction is when the referee blows the whistle: there is no objective definition of the term. Just as there is no precise discontinuity between background extinctions and mass extinctions, since there have been periods when biodiversity has declined more or less rapidly and profoundly (Wang 2003). However, it is accepted to identify five moments when there has been a particularly rapid and drastic decline in species diversity (Raup 1982), the last of which was the famous late Cretaceous extinction, 66 million years ago.

Biographie de l'auteur

Massimo Sandal, RWTH Aachen University

Écrivain et journaliste scientifique, il travaille depuis 2011 comme rédacteur scientifique indépendant pour différents journaux et s'intéresse à la pratique et à la sociologie des sciences, mais aussi à la crise écologique. Son premier livre est La malinconia del mammut (il Saggiatore, 2019).




Comment citer

Sandal, M. (2021). La sixième extinction de masse. Philosophy Kitchen - Revue De Philosophie Contemporaine, (15), 237–239.