Projet et recherche de forme. De l’aléatoire aux champs de validité.


  • Alberto Giustiniano Université de Padova
  • Carlo Deregibus Politecnico di Torino



We have a continuous chance to experience peculiar qualities of the space, either the private space of our houses or the public space of our cities. More than critics, these qualities make us decide whether a building is an architecture or a simple construction: thus, the architecture is indeed a very performative art. But these experiences hardly can be designed: chance plays a major role in the development of a project, to the point that we could say that it is an ontological part of the project. The paper inestigates how to change chance from an enemy, to an opportunity, by defining the “fields of validity”: or the distinction of inter-related systems, which give chance a space of action, including it since the very beginning. Thus, the form is defined by excluding what cannot be accepted, more than defining the perfect shape: in this way, also guaranteeing the freedom of its performativity. Furthermore, the approach to fields of validity will be related to the conceptual tools of systems theory in Niklas Luhmann’s version. This analysis leads us to Luhmann’s reflections on the nature of the artistic experience, intended as a peculiar form of communication and the genesis of meaning through the production of contingent forms – the artworks – conceived as islands of stability, halfway between chance and necessity. The paper proposes a side-by-side reading: on the left, an architectural glance toward the topic; on the right, a philosophical one. The reader will have the chance, and the power, to build bridges between the two parts, so that the punctual inspiration of one part could serve also for the other: and in the belief that, in those thresholds, the theory may change in practices.

Bibliographies de l'auteur

Alberto Giustiniano, Université de Padova

Dottorando presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova, è membro fondatore e caporedattore della rivista di filosofia contemporanea Philosophy Kitchen dell’Università di Torino. Si occupa prevalentemente di decostruzione e fenomenologia, teoria dei sistemi e cibernetica. Ha pubblicato su questi temi articoli presso diverse riviste scientifiche tra cui “Rivista di estetica” e “aut aut”. Per l’editore Orthotes è curatore della collana di filosofia, cibernetica e teoria dei sistemi “Bit”.

Carlo Deregibus, Politecnico di Torino

Architetto, Ph.D., è tecnologo di ricerca e professore a contratto di progettazione architettonica al Politecnico di Torino, dove dal 2019 coordina il Masterplan Team, il gruppo di progettazione strategica di Ateneo. È autore di Intention & Responsibility. Ethical Cosistency in Contemporary Architecture (Milano: IPOC, 2016), e suoi articoli e saggi sono comparsi su riviste quali The IASS Journal, Strategic Design Research Journal, Construction History, aut aut, Rivista di Estetica. Nel 2008 ha vinto l’International Hangai Prize e nel 2018 il suo studio, Bottega di Architettura, è stato inserito tra i migliori 10 studi di architettura emergenti d’Italia.




Comment citer

Giustiniano, A., & Deregibus, C. (2021). Projet et recherche de forme. De l’aléatoire aux champs de validité. Philosophy Kitchen - Revue De Philosophie Contemporaine, (14), 55–70.



I. Forme et alea dans les arts de la performance