The Growing Block and the Problem of the Continuum

  • Shira Yechimovitz Tel Aviv University


The orthodox approach to time states it to be a continuum. In this paper I aim to show that the growing block model poses a unique problem to the continuity of time, on account of it being a hybrid A-B-theory. Tension lies in the fact that a continuous B-theoretical block is built through the A-theoretical becoming of instantaneous slices of present. First, I show that a continuous growing block necessitates a present with zero temporal duration; second, I show that such notion of present rules out some widely accepted B-theoretical solutions to the problem of the continuum, while its commitment to the B-theory rules out some of the A-theoretical ones. Finally, I will discuss possible consequences.

Biographie de l'auteur

Shira Yechimovitz, Tel Aviv University

Shira Yechimovitz is an M.A. Student at the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel Aviv University. Her research currently focuses on the growing block as a hybrid A-B theory, in particular temporal order and direction in the theory.
