Technoplasty. Notes on Machinic Poietics


  • Gregorio Tenti University of Turin



This article examines a chapter in the history of machines, namely the study of chaotic behaviours through machinic simulations, in order to draw theoretical conclusions on artificial creativity and the nature of computational processes. The first paragraph traces the early history of physics of chaos in its epistemological implications. The second paragraph investigates how machines are able to simulate chaotic behaviours by increase of internal entropy, and thus to make themselves sensitive to the heterogeneous texture of nature itself. Particular attention will be devoted to the so-called principle of “order from noise”, elaborated within the second-order cybernetics. This will lead to consider machines as material fields established around the acts of execution of a program, which thus become acts of materialization and interpretation thereof. In conclusion, the terms «technoplasty» and «machinic poietics» will be proposed to conceptualize a wider shift towards nonrepresentational technologies.

Author Biography

Gregorio Tenti, University of Turin

Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Turin and research fellow at a.r.t.e.s. Research Lab, University of Cologne. His research interests lie in romantic and idealistic aesthetics, contemporary aesthetics and environmental philosophy.



How to Cite

Tenti, G. (2023). Technoplasty. Notes on Machinic Poietics. Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (18), 201–211.



IV. Objects, Machines, Media