Between Stochastic Processes and Evaluation Metrics: Strangeness Challenging the AI-creation

  • Sylvain Reynal Maître de Conférences ENSEA/CNRS


The huge amount of data produced by the Big Tech in the last twenty years has contributed to the emergence of creative artificial intelligence as an automated tool that could allegedly produce works of art ex nihilo by itself. Only distantly reminiscent of the human brain, these algorithms produce pure statistical models by sifting through millions of images, videos or songs and identifying statistical correlations that occur between their constituents. As they lack historicity by nature, these systems are only able to generate novelty by relying on random number generators. This article explores the foundations and intricacies of what appears to be a paradigm of creation based solely on stochastic processes and statistical models. We specifically examine the hyperrational perspective from which engineers envision creation, how this perspective thrives on the assumption that the post-modern subject is void of all intrapsychic conflict, how it may catch on finally in an environment where normative-referenced evaluation has become paramount.

Author Biography

Sylvain Reynal, Maître de Conférences ENSEA/CNRS

Maître de conférence presso il dipartimento di ricerca ETIS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), l’École nationale supérieure de l’électronique et de ses applications (ENSEA) l’Università CY Cergy-Paris. La sua attività di ricerca appartiene al campo interdisciplinare degli studi sulla scienza e la tecnologia (STS) con un focus sulle interazioni tra Arte e Scienza, la creazione artificiale, l’Arte e l’IA nonché la Filosofia della Tecnologia.

How to Cite
Reynal, S. (2021). Between Stochastic Processes and Evaluation Metrics: Strangeness Challenging the AI-creation. Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (14), 105-115.
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