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  • Cord Friebe Universität Siegen
  • Marcello Garibbo Universität Siegen


Table of Contents

Author Biographies

Cord Friebe, Universität Siegen

Cord Friebe is professor of philosophy at Siegen University. His research ranges from the philosophy of physics to analytic metaphysics and Kant, with a particular focus on the philosophy of time.

Marcello Garibbo, Universität Siegen

Marcello Garibbo is a PhD student at the University of Siegen. In his PhD project, Marcello investigates the temporal structure of perception and experience in the philosophy of Kant.

How to Cite
Friebe, C., & Garibbo, M. (2020). Download the Table of Contents. Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (13). Retrieved from
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