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  • Claudio Tarditi University of Turin
  • Alberto Giustiniano University of Padova



Author Biographies

Claudio Tarditi, University of Turin

Claudio Tarditi. PhD, is research fellow at the University of Turin and invited professor of Philosophical Anthropology at the Salesian University Institute Turin Rebaudengo (IUSTO). He deals mainly with phenomenology, philosophical anthropology and philosophy of religion. Among his main publications,Con e oltre la fenomenologia. Le "eresie fenomenologiche" di J. Derrida e J.-L. Marion (Genova, 2008) and Abitare la soglia. Percorsi di fenomenologia francese (Milan, 2013).

Alberto Giustiniano, University of Padova

Alberto Giustiniano, Phd Student at University of Padova, is a co-founder member and editor-in-chief of the contemporary philosophy magazine "Philosophy Kitchen" of the University of Turin. He deals mainly with deconstruction and phenomenology, systems theory and cybernetics. He has published articles on these topics in several scientific journals including "Rivista di estetica" and "aut aut". For the publisher Orthotes he is editor of the series of philosophy, cybernetics and systems theory "Bit".

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How to Cite

Tarditi, C., & Giustiniano, A. (2020). Download the Table of Contents. Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (12). Retrieved from