Beyond the Constitutive Stratification: for a Dialectical-recursive Reading of the Relationship Between Passivity and Assets in Husserl

  • Filippo Nobili University of Pisa


The paper revises Husserl’s analytic effort to articulate a stratigraphic model of intentional constitution, i.e. made of different layers of passive and active performances. Indeed, genetic phenomenology allows to sketch an alternative model of a dialectic-recursive type, more suitable to deal with the concreteness of experience.

Author Biography

Filippo Nobili, University of Pisa

Filippo Nobili holds a PhD in Theoretical Philosophy from the University of Florence and Pisa. He dealt with phenomenology, in particular E. Husserl, and did a period of research at the Husserl-Archives of KU Leuven. He collaborates with the research group Zetesis.

How to Cite
Nobili, F. (2020). Beyond the Constitutive Stratification: for a Dialectical-recursive Reading of the Relationship Between Passivity and Assets in Husserl. Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (12), 13-33.