The Phosphorescence of Things

  • Fréderic Rambeau Université de Paris 8


This paper examines the relationship between subject and conscience in the works and thought of Gilles Deleuze. Starting from a comparison between Deleuze’s statements with those of phenomenology (Sartre, Husserl, Merleau-Ponty) and psychoanalysis (Lacan), the author shows how the French philosopher’s thought on the notion of subject is marked by a deep connection to pure immanence and transcendental field beyond the subject- object opposition. In Deleuzian ontology, the notion of subject, which shares a common ground with Lacanian subjectivation, is transformed and re-positioned as a «superject». As a unity of being and thought, brain and world, it is an individuation process which radically reshapes the very notion of subject as a part of cosmic speed that allows to grasp the being from within itself.

How to Cite
Rambeau, F. (1). The Phosphorescence of Things. Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (9).