For an Insignificant Analysis of Subjectivity: The Function of the Point-Sign in the Anti-Oedipus

  • Davide Tolfo Università degli Studi di Padova


The aim of this article is to investigate the correlation between semiotic and the question of subjectivity in Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus. For doing so, the first part explores how Deleuze and Guattari move away from a negative interpretation of desire, and rethink in a productive way the movement and the investments of desire. This premise is fundamental to understand the nature and the function of a concept that, at first sight, seems to be irrelevant, the notion of pointsign. This concept is important for two reasons: indeed, it has a central role in both untangling the relationship that - inside the Lacan’s approach to psychoanalysis - connects desire to signifier and in creating a different relation between sign and desire. Finally, I will show how these semiotic considerations can be used as tools to search and investigate the new process of subjectification inside our contemporaneity.

How to Cite
Tolfo, D. (1). For an Insignificant Analysis of Subjectivity: The Function of the Point-Sign in the Anti-Oedipus. Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (9).