Idealism and Realism in the Ontology of the "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus"

  • Alfonso Di Prospero Independent Researcher


The meaning of idealism and realism is a fundamental topic in Wittgenstein's theory. Nevertheless, further analysis is required in order to clarify its role in the whole context of the picture-theory, namely the semantics of the Tractatus. The hypothesis I intend to present here is that Wittgenstein turns the distinction “inside/outside” (idealism/ realism) into another distinction between “name” and “proposition”: whereas the meaning of the name is always known, the meaning of the proposition is ungraspable insofar as it refers to unknown situations.

How to Cite
Di Prospero, A. (1). Idealism and Realism in the Ontology of the "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus". Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (4).