Naturalizing Phenomenology – Without Naturalism

  • Alessandro Salice University College Cork
  • Genki Uemura Okayama University


In this contribution we discuss Gallagher's and Zahavi's project of naturalization of phenomenology. In their book The Phenomenological Mind, they aim at intertwining the phenomenological method with a number of results from the field of cognitive sciences (concerning for instance concepts like consciousness, empathy, action, perception, intentionality, etc.). Nevertheless, one could oppose that such a project is based upon a metaphysical assumption: indeed, if mental states belong to nature, they should be approached by natural sciences. This paper replies to this objection by emphasizing how Gallagher and Zahavi opt for a transcendental perspective in order to avoid any ambiguity between their project of naturalization of phenomenology and a naturalistic theory of consciousness.

How to Cite
Salice, A., & Uemura, G. (1). Naturalizing Phenomenology – Without Naturalism. Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (1).