Die Wissenschaftslehre: A Decisive Contribution to the Anthropology of Modernity


  • Jean-Christophe Goddard Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès




This text offers an original reading of Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre that puts into light its dimension of medicina mentalis, namely its psychiatric function for modernity. Indeed, the Wissenschaftslehre's theoretical content includes its therapeutic aspects in a universe of pure speculation, totally separated from the concrete world where therapist and patient concretely interact. Furthermore, Fichte's thought plays arelevant role from an anthropological standpoint as well, insofar as there is no interaction (and transfert) between therapist and patient without taking into account their cultural heritage. Accordingly, psychiatry is based upon a process of reciprocal comprehension of the theoretical and anthropological a priori of both therapist and patient. In other words, the understanding of therapist's and patient's cultural world is the transcendental condition of any psychiatry.

How to Cite

Goddard, J.-C. (2014). Die Wissenschaftslehre: A Decisive Contribution to the Anthropology of Modernity. Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (1). https://doi.org/10.13135/2385-1945/3738