The Meaning of Dissent. Everyday Oppositional Practices in Brussels
The aim of the article is to trace the effects of architectural projects which are prompted by a strong drive to change or criticise the institutional system they face. It does so, by observing the process that different architectural projects underwent and proposes a reflection on the meaning of “dissent” which is exercised by two observed architectural practices. These, are defined as oppositional since they strongly claim to be dissenting to the given institutional system yet find a way to negotiate their positions. Focus of the research are the effects of their actions and narrations. Thus, it outlines how such strong transformative will is carried out in the realisation of their projects and looks at how the meaning of the critical power is translated into the daily action of the analysed practices. The proposed reflection is built on the results of a compared ethnographical study of two architectural practices based in Bruxelles: BC and Traumnovelle. The research relies on STS ethnographic methods of inquiry and applies them to the study of architectural practices in order to traces the complex net of relations and actions the observed architects have enacted to make their projects happen.