Jacques Derrida

  • Federica Buongiorno University of Florence


In the impossibility of explaining without trivialisation why a thinker of the calibre of Jacques Derrida - whose trajectories Diego D'Angelo reconstructs in the contribution that follows this short introduction - has been decisive in the (internal and external) perspective outlined by Philosophy Kitchen over the last ten years, I leave the floor to Judith Butler, who beautifully described his life and work in the aftermath of his death in 2004.

Author Biography

Federica Buongiorno, University of Florence

Researcher at the University of Florence, where she teaches Theoretical Philosophy and Phenomenology of Technology. Her research focuses on Husserlian and post-Husserlian phenomenology, contemporary theories of knowledge, cyberfeminism and the philosophy of technology and the digital.

How to Cite
Buongiorno, F. (2024). Jacques Derrida. Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (20), 49-52. https://doi.org/10.13135/2385-1945/10860