Sounding the Museum
The Problematic of the Loudspeaker
DOI: chiave:
sound, sound design, spatial audio, museum, museum sound, ethnography, recording, sound technology, loudspeaker, speaker, augmented realityAbstract
The article focuses on the role loudspeakers have played in museum sound. It argues that loudspeakers evolved according to a ‘vococentric’ bias: (a focus on the reproduction of the voice, and the assumption of voice as a normative sounding object); and that this vococentrism continues to obscure one of the central affordances of the loudspeaker: its ability to act as a vehicle for a ‘sonic’ augmented reality. A more complete and accurate account of the affordances of the loudspeaker would identify not a ‘proxy voice’ but a proto-augmented reality machine: something uniquely bestowed to blend the mediated and the real.
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