Seeking Attention

Exhibition-Related Practices As Sites of Attention Care in the Context of Digital Attention Economies


  • Renata Pekowska TU Dublin



The article posits attention care as a potential new role of exhibition spaces and exhibition-related cultural practices, in the context of attention-economy models of online digital-media platforms. Outlined and examined are the possible negative consequences of extractivist attention-economy models, which may produce adverse impact on the attention of the users of platforms, particularly their creative attention as conceptualized by Yves Citton (2019). This short analysis is followed by considering and speculating upon several areas of possible experimentation, including events and activities such as exhibition-making practices, expanded drawing workshops, and their potential role as sites of attention care.


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Biografia autore

Renata Pekowska, TU Dublin

Renata Pękowska is a visual artist based in Dublin. She is currently an Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Scholar Ph.D. researcher at the School of Media, Technological University Dublin.




Come citare

Pekowska, R. (2024). Seeking Attention: Exhibition-Related Practices As Sites of Attention Care in the Context of Digital Attention Economies. Mimesis Journal, 13(2), 617–623.



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