DARIAH.it: Data Integration Strategies and Solutions for Digital Resources Management and Research in the Arts and Humanities


  • Alessia Spadi Istituto Opera del Vocabolario Italiano del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (OVI-CNR)
  • Emiliano Degl'Innocenti Istituto Opera del Vocabolario Italiano del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (OVI-CNR)
  • Carmen Di Meo Università di Bologna



Parole chiave:

data integration, digital humanities, cultural heritage, heritage science, digital research, research infrastructure, digital curatorship, history of art, linguistics


The article details the work carried out within the DARIAH.it research infrastructure, based at the Istituto Opera del Vocabolario Italiano, exploring EU-funded projects such as the SSHOC cluster (www.sshopencloud.eu), EOSC-related activities (specifically, the EGI-ACE project: https://www.egi.eu/project/egi-ace/), and the IPERION-HS project (www.iperionhs.eu). DARIAH.it focuses on enhancing access to cultural resources managed by public cultural institutions and national stakeholders, with an emphasis on data curation and the creation of interoperable ecosystems. The article highlights the design and implementation of the RESTORE project as a successful use case, initially conceived as a research pilot within the SSHOC project consortium, which has since evolved into a functional digital suite to assist humanities and heritage science scholars in data collection and integration. The implemented workflow includes data integration strategies tailored to various digital humanities (DH) disciplines, tools supporting linguistic data workflows, and models that promote resource interoperability, reuse, and sustainability within the humanities and cultural sectors.


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Biografie autore

Alessia Spadi, Istituto Opera del Vocabolario Italiano del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (OVI-CNR)

Researcher Level III at Istituto Opera del Vocabolario Italiano of National Research Council in Italy (OVI-CNR) currently working on the H2IOSC PNRR project. DARIAH.it Chief Integration Officer. Master’s degree in Digital Humanities at University of Pisa.

Emiliano Degl'Innocenti, Istituto Opera del Vocabolario Italiano del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (OVI-CNR)

PhD, Researcher at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. National Coordinator of DARIAH.it (http://dariah.cnr.it) research infrastructure; Principal Investigator for the H2IOSC research infrastructures cluster (http://www.h2iosc.cnr.it). Working in national and international projects and initiatives in the field of humanities computing and digital research infrastructures (SSHOC, PARTHENOS, CENDARI, IPERION-HS, EGI-ACE)

Carmen Di Meo, Università di Bologna

PhD, is an Art Historian based in Bologna, Italy, currently working at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna as a Research Manager, with a focus on EU Research Projects and Programs. In early 2021, she joined the Opera del Vocabolario Italiano (OVI) institute of the CNR as Research Fellow in the SSHOC Project, and the DARIAH.it Programme.




Come citare

Spadi, A., Degl’Innocenti, E., & Di Meo, C. (2024). DARIAH.it: Data Integration Strategies and Solutions for Digital Resources Management and Research in the Arts and Humanities. Mimesis Journal, 13(2), 119–134. https://doi.org/10.13135/2389-6086/9920



The Documentation, Conservation, and Sharing of Cultural Heritage