Visualisation of contemporary public art

Parole chiave: Arte immateriale, Arte pubblica, Visualization


This paper deals with the visualization phase of Invisibilia Project. The visualization phase takes as input the ontological representation and provides as output a 3d layout that takes into account the relevant elements for the contemporary art. In particular, the visualization phase has addressed the visualization of contemporary public art and the information related to the individual artworks. The design layout, being referred to urban and architectural settings, relies on 3d graphics and splits the items visualized into two categories: the artwork itself, which is represented with realistic, photographic features, and the setting items, which are represented with icons. The software architecture has explored two possible implementations, with an open source library and a proprietary environment, respectively. The paper ends with a discussion of the results.


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Biografie autore

Vincenzo Lombardo, University of Turin

PhD, born in 1964, is an Associate Professor of Informatics, at the University of Turin, Italy (Department of Informatics). ( He doctorated in Computer Science in the Turin-Milan University Consortium (1993). He is the President of CIRMA (Centre for Research on Advanced Multimedia - At public company Virtual Reality & Multi Media Park, he has run the Art-Science Alliance Laboratory (ASA Lab) from 2004 to 2012 (see videos at He has been the director of the EU-funded project VEP (Virtual Electronic Poem, of the national project DramaTour (, of the project CADMOS (Character-centred Annotation of Dramatic Media ObjectS, research concerns methodologies, models and applications of informatics, and AI in particular, for interdisciplinary challenges, such as multimedia design, semantic annotation for heritage and production metadata, natural language processing and cognitive modeling. His papers are published in international journals, books, conference proceedings. He is also active as a multimedia designer and producer.

Nadia Guardini, University of Florence

PhD in Architecture, her main research interests are about 3d close-range and modelling techniques for documenting Cultural Heritage and Geographical Information Systems. Graduated in Architecture at the Turin Polytechnic in 2009 with a graduation thesis focused on the topic Spatial Information Systems for Valorization. Since 2007 she has been cooperating to research projects for an integrated approach to the documentation of the built Heritage.

Alessandro Olivero

Born in 1984, is a freelance Web-Designer based in Turin, Italy. He graduated in Bachelor of Science-Architecture at Polytechnic University of Turin (2007) and MultiDAMS at University of Turin (2014). The focus of his first thesis is about historical building to be used as museum. The object of his last thesis is to explore actual possibilities of Data Visualization and use them on a Data Visualizaton interactive project, showing all the different phases: from the analysis of final results to the identification of the most useful tools for a strong, elegant and efficient visualization. The subject of this Data Visualization project is the exposition (location, presentation) of public artworks in Turin on a geographical scale. He worked also in Rivara Castle - Center for Contemporary Art and he is interested in Artistic and Cultural Events of his city.»

Come citare
Lombardo, V., Guardini, N., & Olivero, A. (2014). Visualisation of contemporary public art. Mimesis Journal, 3(2), 79-89.
Dossier Invisibilia