Corpi im-memori

L’utopia dello spettatore partecipante




This essay retraces and investigates some significant moments in Italia contemporary theatre, as first step toward a “History of the spectator’s memory”. If we apply André Bazin’s theories beyond cinema, we can indeed observe that certaint theatre productions are ruled by a representation of time as a continuous flow, a sort of “imagination in becoming” re-enacting words, objects and sounds from other works: devices to activate memory and the actor-spectator relationship during the mysterious progress of artistic creation. In such a process, the encounter between the performer and the house is crucial, and some artists try to re-define, throught a transformation and re-generation of the habitus (Bordieu), the very relationship between the individual and the community. So, their performances do not offer themselves as an organic, prearranged unit; instead, each one of them is a «signifiant poliphony» (B. Dort) Thus, the engagé spectator is he/she who constantly questions them, in a “bartering” of ideas, meanings, and symbols: indissolubly united by that co-responsibility, actor/author and spectator/co-author speak and act in the “performance space” as a choir of voices, an ensemble of bodies. But which traces are left in the spectators by such experiences? And which responsibility the artist has towards the spectators and their memory?


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Biografia autore

Eva Marinai, Università degli Studi di Torino

Ricercatrice in Discipline dello spettacolo all’Università di Torino, dove insegna Storia del teatro, e co-docente all’Università di Pisa. Questi i titoli delle sue monografie:Antigone di Sofocle-Brecht per il Living Theatre (Ets, 2014); Teorie sull’attore. Percorsi critici per capire le fonti (Felici, 2010); Gobbi, Dritti e la satira molesta. Copioni di voci, immagini di scena 1951-1967 (Ets, 2006); Il comico nel teatro delle origini (Titivillus, 2003). Sul tema del rapporto teatro/media ha recentemente pubblicato il saggio Un fatale appuntamento, di venerdì. La prosa incontra l’immagine elettronica: nasce (e muor giovane) il teleteatro in A. Barsotti, C. Titomanlio, a cura di, Teatro e media (Felici, 2012).




Come citare

Marinai, E. (2016). Corpi im-memori: L’utopia dello spettatore partecipante. Mimesis Journal, 5(1), 14–29.


