Tra quadro e cornice

Resoconto di un viaggio a Vallicelle


  • Eleonora Buono



The author presents a reconstruction of the experience she had in Pontedera when she saw some performances of the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards and took part to some works of the group. The text is composed by two parts: a descriptive and a theoretical one. In the first part, that she called “paintings”, the author tries to present his memory of what she saw and of what happened. Two plays are described, namely L’heure fugitiveand The Underground, from the Focused Research Team in Art as a Vehicle, directed by Thomas Richards. After that, there is a description of open rehearsal of Thomas Richards’ group, in which the actors did singing exercises. The last activity was instead a singing session with Mario Biagini and his team, where the author and her colleagues participated actively. In the theoretical part, the author exposes her reflections concerning performances and other experiences, by focusing in particular on their meaning as well as on their major points of interest.


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Biografia autore

Eleonora Buono

Eleonora Buono ha conseguito la laurea specialistica in Scienze filosofiche presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. Attualmente è impegnata in varie attività: fa parte della redazione della rivista online di filosofia «Nóema», collabora con Carlo Sini e Florinda Cambria nell’ambito dell’associazione «Mechrì – Laboratorio di Filosofia e Cultura». Nell’anno accademico 2017-2018 comincia inoltre il dottorato di ricerca.




Come citare

Buono, E. (2017). Tra quadro e cornice: Resoconto di un viaggio a Vallicelle. Mimesis Journal, 6(2), 77–90.


