La forma “storta”

Conversazione con Francesco Manetti


Francesco Manetti, actor, trainer and director, graduated from the Accademia d’Arte Drammatica “Silvio d’Amico”. Since 1998 he has been teaching movement and stage combat. From the beginning he has shown a strong interest in the international theatrical context. He has often worked abroad in such places as Britain, Germany, the United States, Russia and South America. In 2008 he began collaborating with the director Antonio Latella and has been working with his theatre group “stabile/mobile” since 2013 and has performed in several Latella productions. He and Latella first met thanks to his work as a choreographer, movement and physical trainer. In this guise he has worked with Latella on many productions, such as Hamlet’s portraits (2008), Francamente me ne infischio from Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell (2011 e 2013), Santa Estasi (2016). The conversation, which took place on 19th January 2017 in Turin, explored two themes. The first was about the creative relationship between Manetti and Latella, discussing both Manetti’s role as an actor as well as his work on movement in Latella productions. The second discussed several moments of Manetti’s professional history.


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Biografia autore

Federica Mazzocchi, Università degli Studi di Torino

Federica Mazzocchi è docente presso il DAMS di Torino. Insegna Tecniche di regia teatrale, Animazione teatrale e, per la laurea specialistica, Drammaturgia. Il suo campo di studi riguarda principalmente la regia teatrale italiana ed europea. È specialista del teatro di Luchino Visconti cui ha dedicato numerosi studi (il più recente è Giovanni Testori e Luchino Visconti. L’Arialda 1960, Scalpendi, Milano 2015). Per l’editore ETS di Pisa, dirige, con Anna Barsotti, Narrare la scena, collana di monografie dedicate agli spettacoli più rappresentativi del teatro contemporaneo. È fra i fondatori del CRAD (Centro Ricerche Attore e Divismo) del DAMS. Fra i suoi interessi, anche il teatro delle donne (Colette e il teatro, Bulzoni, Roma 1999).

Come citare
Mazzocchi, F. (2017). La forma “storta”: Conversazione con Francesco Manetti. Mimesis Journal, 6(2), 49-64.