The Living Theatre’s Resounding Body for Antigone

(su nastro magnetico Rai, 1967)


Italy’s national public radio broadcasting company (Radio Rai) has just celebrated its ninetieth year of transmissions. A document found in the Radio Tape Archive gives a unique testimony to the work of the Living Theatre for Antigone, in its first version in 1967. Gerardo Guerrieri, in fact, transcribes a script of the radio show, starting with the editing of live audio recordings made during the performances at Theatre of the Arts in Rome, in the spring of 1967, and interlacing it with voices describing the actions performed, as well as Malina’s Director’s Notes. Thus it provides a critical interpretation of the rites acted by the company. This «sound version» of the show, titled The protest of Antigone, broadcasted on July 8, 1968 in the “Third Programme” (later known as Radio 3), allows to focus on the rhythmic score and on the tuning of the Living Theatre “Body/Choir”. What emerges is an “absolute sound mise-en-scène” (Malina), which confirms, once again, the ability of these actors to create a polysemic work of art, able to communicate at all levels of perception, not only visual but also – and in a no less incisive way – psychoacoustic.


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Author Biography

Eva Marinai, University of Turin

Ricercatrice in Discipline dello spettacolo all’Università di Torino, dove insegna Storia del teatro, e co-docente all’Università di Pisa. Questi i titoli delle sue monografie: Antigone di Sofocle-Brecht per il Living Theatre (Ets, 2014); Teorie sull’attore. Percorsi critici per capire le fonti (Felici, 2010); Gobbi, Dritti e la satira molesta. Copioni di voci, immagini di scena 1951-1967 (Ets, 2006); Il comico nel teatro delle origini (Titivillus, 2003). Sul tema del rapporto teatro/media ha recentemente pubblicato il saggio Un fatale appuntamento, di venerdì. La prosa incontra l’immagine elettronica: nasce (e muor giovane) il teleteatro in A. Barsotti, C. Titomanlio, a cura di, Teatro e media (Felici, 2012).

How to Cite
Marinai, E. (2014). The Living Theatre’s Resounding Body for Antigone: (su nastro magnetico Rai, 1967). Mimesis Journal, 3(2), 90-114.