The perception of the body on stage and the spectator

A neuro-scientific approach


Dance has investigated the processes of construction of the body also in a cultural sense and the meanings they assume inside theatre: it did it the as if, in direct correspondence of meanings, but been subject to a work of imagination and elaboration of images. With the birth of performance the role of meaning and the concreteness of the sign of the body gets to a level of urgency, directly projected on the spectator. The person attending doesn’t have to look for a meaning to give to a gesture anymore, but it is his reaction and behaviour to become itself the object of the performance. We observe a process of multiplication of the levels of reference of what happens on the scene, both on a human and relational point of view and in the perspective of the contents: in this contest of research we decided to start from an experimental analysis which could take into consideration the conquers of neuroscience concerning recep- tion, to consider the critical developments and to look for its roots inside the choreographical practice. Briefly, we will explain which methodologic approaches have taken place, starting from literature and the aims from a not only scientific point of view, but also in a in-depth analysis of the Dance Studies. We will try to explain how the brain is able to perceive beauty and empathize with the dancer: how the “dancing spectator” could feel the performer’s body as his own.


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Author Biography

Andrea Zardi, University of Turin

Andrea Zardi, nato a Piacenza nel 1987, si laurea in Scienze dei Beni Culturali all’Università degli Studi di Milano e al DAMS di Torino. Parallelamente porta avanti la sua attività di danzatore e coreografo: si forma fra Milano, Firenze, Torino e Berlino e lavora come freelance per diverse compagnie e con progetti coreografici autoriali. Nel 2017 Entra nel gruppo di ricerca del PRIN MIUR Per-formare il sociale: formazione, cura e inclusione sociale attraverso il teatro e nel 2018 è dottorando presso l’Università degli Studi di Torino. Oltre alle attività editoriali nell’ambito della danza, la tesi con la ricerca Danza e Neuroscienza: lo sguardo del pubblico e la ricezione della danza contemporanea consegue il riconoscimento di merito dell’Ateneo. In corso di pubblicazione il saggio Schémata. Contaminazioni fra cultura figurativa e coreica e con, il team di ricerca del dipartimento di Neuroradiologia dell’ospedale Molinette di Torino, What happens when I watch a ballet? Preliminary fMRI findings on somatosensory empathy in Parkinson Disease.

How to Cite
Zardi, A. (2018). The perception of the body on stage and the spectator: A neuro-scientific approach. Mimesis Journal, 7(1), 91-111.