Moving the Silence

A dialogue between art and spirituality

  • Gabriele Goria
Keywords: Silence, spirituality, performance, meditation, T’ai Chi Ch’üan, Orazio Costa


This article will illustrate the artistic research on silence I have conducted throughout the two years of my Master’s degree programme in Theatre Pedagogy at the University of Arts-Theatre Academy of Helsinki (2011-2013). In particular I focus on the creative process which led me towards the production of a performance built throughout a four-month-work without use of speech: Moving the Silence. Silence proved to be a fruitful ground for a dialogue between art and spirituality, becoming a generative platform for developing meditative ways of working in the field of art. The Moving the Silence performance had its première on February 2013. I conclude by briefly illustrating the future developments of my research, which is currently dealing with the challenge of integrating meditative, artistic and ascetic practices within the rhythm of an average working and family-life: the Hermits in Progress Project.


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Author Biography

Gabriele Goria

Actor and theatre pedagogue specialized in Oriental psycho-physical disciplines. Since his childhood, he has been practicing meditation and Eastern martial arts. He currently teaches Kung Fu. After his graduation at Italian Theatre Academy Silvio D’Amico (2001), he has worked as an actor and director with two renowned companies in Torino, and as a teacher of acting in many different contexts, including primary schools, universities, and corporate entities. He moved to Finland in 2008. Throughout his Master Degree Programme at Theatre Academy of Helsinki (TeaK,2011-2013), he has been conducting a research on silence, as a space of dialogue between art and spirituality. His current interest is to explore and develop meditative ways of working in the field of art. He leads workshops and seminars on acting, expressive movement, meditation and T’ai Chi in Finland and Italy.

How to Cite
Goria, G. (2024). Moving the Silence: A dialogue between art and spirituality. Mimesis Journal, 3(1), 66-77.