Deciding the origins, making the stories and concluding them with dignity

Notes for a post-last lecture


This would be what I would have said if I had held my last lesson before retirement. Fortunately for the students, this did not happen. What I would have tried to say, which is echoed in these pages, is that we must not consider "theatre" only what is now being staged by institutions. Theatre is the "root of all human culture", as Maestro Carlo Sini explains, and a shared and deeper knowledge of its protocols would have the effect not only of improving what it is seen on stage, but also of helping us to inhabit the world as a place and a time of knowledge.


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Author Biography

Antonio Attisani, University of Turin

Insegna Storia del Teatro presso l’Università di Torino (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici). Tra le sue pubblicazioni recenti: Un teatro apocrifo – Il potenziale dell’arte teatrale del Workcenter of Jersy Grotowski and Thomas Richards (Medusa 2006), I tre volume di Opere e sentieri (con Mario Biagini, Bulzoni 2007-2008), Transumar – La composizione scenica secondo il Théatre du Radeau e Francois Tanguy (EIP 2008), La prova del secolo – Il teatro del Tibet tra esilio e genocidio culturale (EIP 2008), Smisurato cantabile – Note sul lavoro dell’attore dopo Grotowski (edizioni di pagina 2009).

How to Cite
Attisani, A. (2018). Deciding the origins, making the stories and concluding them with dignity: Notes for a post-last lecture. Mimesis Journal, 7(1), 127-143.