The theatres of the 2000s

Aesthetic renewal and new economic-organisational requirements in Babilonia Teatri, Fibre Parallele, Menoventi, TeatrInGestAzione

  • Valeria Screpis


Since 2000 the Italian theater, especially in experimental theater’s area, has gone through a phase of transformation determined by exogenous factors (economical, historical, cultural) and endogenous factors (new aesthetics; institutional and legislative changes). The aesthetic renewal and the ever more dynamic global context have produced new challenges. The artists of the 2000s have to faces these challenges developing new management models that combine aesthetic vision and economical needs. This research, through the comparative observation of four theater companies (Babilonia Teatri, Fibre Parallele, Menoventi, TeatrInGestAzione), intends to investigate the modalities according to which each of them develop and manage the relationship between artistic and economic dimension.


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Author Biography

Valeria Screpis

Valeria Screpis si laurea nel 2018 presso l’Università degli Studi di Genova, con una tesi in Organizzazione ed economia dello spettacolo dal vivo dal titolo “Strategie economico-organizzative e tendenze estetiche della nuova scena teatrale italiana. Quattro casi studio”. Collabora da alcuni anni con il Teatro Akropolis di Genova, in particolare nell’organizzazione del festival Testimonianze ricerca azioni.

How to Cite
Screpis, V. (2024). The theatres of the 2000s: Aesthetic renewal and new economic-organisational requirements in Babilonia Teatri, Fibre Parallele, Menoventi, TeatrInGestAzione. Mimesis Journal, 7(2), 103-121.