Workplace violence against healthcare workers: development of an item for risk assessment.

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Matteo Colombo
Donato Lancellotti



The reporting frequency represents the main parameter for risk assessment (RA) of aggression and acts of violence against healthcare workers.

The aim of this study is investigating the phenomenon of aggression, identifying a multidimensional assessment methodology to estimate and classify the risk, even in the absence of spontaneous reports.

Materials and methods

Initially, a literature review was carried out to identify Risk Factors (RFs) and Prevention and Protection Measures (PPMs); subsequently, the data collected were studied and an algorithm was developed.

The latter was tested during RA in 32 medical operational units belonging to Azienda ULSS 4 “Veneto Orientale” to assess the amount of risk exposure.


The application of PPMs reduces the initial exposure risk in 22 sites out of 32 assessed (68,7%). The sites at greatest risk are those with less PPMs in the presence of high RFs.

Emergency Department (ER), Drug Addiction Service (DAS) and internal Medicines, considered to be at greater risk in the literature [5] [6] [15] [16], are instead the operational units most aware of the phenomenon and those where PPMs are more adopted to contain it.


The use of an algorithm that combines RFs and PPMs allows to identify the composition of the risk of aggression in its qualitative and quantitative aspects.

Therefore, the RA is more complete, as the sites are not only evaluated through the RFs [13] [14], but also by weighing the PPMs implemented. This represents an innovation in the field of prevention of these phenomena.


The used approach allows us to consider the risk of aggression to be a multidimensional risk and generated by the complex interaction of several factors grouped in dimensions.

Knowing the risk helps to prevent it and the implementation of suitable PPMs reduces its potential harm-occurrence, even in the presence of high RFs.


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How to Cite
Colombo, M., & Lancellotti, D. (2023). Workplace violence against healthcare workers: development of an item for risk assessment. Journal of Biomedical Practitioners, 7(2).
Health Economics and Management


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