Social rehabilitation and educational interventions to vulnerable populations: a literature review and analysis of Italian’s publications related to the effectiveness and appropriateness of evidence.

Main Article Content

Francesco Crisafulli



The words Rehabilitation and Vulnerable are explained by the main international reference documents, within the Italian dictionary and by some technical-scientific thesaurus. The skills, working activities and professional tasks of the professional Social Health Educator are explained in relation to rehabilitation and with a reference to the development of the related professional profile. The reference to the European community of "Social Educators" and an original proposal for Italian "Social Health Education" are also mentioned.

Materials and methods

Widely analyzed: the research question (PICO), applied corrections, consulted databases through which the works to be investigated have been selected. While focusing on the lexicon and vocabulary, it is possible to deliver an outcome of the research work carried out, stepping forward in order to conduct further research within the professional branch.


International literature has been taken in consideration for each of the six areas of intervention of the Social Health educator: Disability, Psychic distress, Pathological addictions, Minors and discomfort, Adults in difficulty, Elderly and non-self-sufficient. Works issued in Italy and regulatory references on social rehabilitation are analyzed. For each of the selected works, scientific evidence of the methods and activities is reported, as well as the weaknesses.

There are reported part of the original references for the research activity into the effectiveness and appropriateness of social rehabilitation interventions in Social Health Education.


From the examination of the reported target jobs, the following information are provided: the persistence of qualitative studies vs. quantitative studies (due to the difficulty in collecting data on complex social interventions) where limited substantial evidence of high quality and mostly mixed outcomes are reported for educational interventions. Despite the large number of works produced, there is no clear evidence of effectiveness compared to some transition paths, also due to the lack of specificity to the target sought. Evidence of effectiveness is reported in the use of Individual Placement Support Employment, as a methodology for job placement of vulnerable people. The strong indication to invest in strengthening the “Activity Daily Living” which is about supporting the process of participation in daily life and in contrasting isolation, helping people to choose, to take positive risks, to actively participate in defining their own life projects; the marginality of social rehabilitation and also the positive signs that encourage research in this sector.


Useful indications and elective interventions come out for the Social Health Educator who are already present or who may take part in activities and work methods. The results of the studies examined generally attest the weak evidence of effectiveness of educational and social interventions aimed at vulnerable populations with some exceptions of medium quality. The development of research in the field of Social Health education is a necessity and at the same time a challenge for the related professional figure.


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How to Cite
Crisafulli, F. (2022). Social rehabilitation and educational interventions to vulnerable populations: a literature review and analysis of Italian’s publications related to the effectiveness and appropriateness of evidence. Journal of Biomedical Practitioners, 6(1).
Journal article


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