Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): dysphagia assessment and nutritional aspects management

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Alberto Bua
Luigi Umberto Collovà
Alessandra Lombino
Antonino Petronaci
Delia Sprini



This research examines a number of patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), by evaluating the impact of specific dietary protocols in the malnutrition management.

The study aims at verifying how the correct nutritional aspects management- through diet protocols and dysphagia assessment scales - can improve the nutrition and nutritional status of patients affected by this pathology, reducing the related complications and improving their life quality.

Materials and Methods

11 patients diagnosed with ALS were examined and subjected to two different eating attitude screening tests (Eating Attitude Test 10; Northwestern Dysphagia Patient Check Sheet), which were repeated six months apart.


The carried out evaluations showed an improvement (36% of the cases) in the history of recurrent pneumonia and in the frequency of feverish peaks.

As regards the behavioural variables, improvements (36% of cases) in the awareness of dysphagia and in the management of salivary secretions have been observed.

In 91% of cases there was a marked improvement in the delay of the pharyngeal reflex of swallowing.


The results of the research, according to the scientific evidence of the sector, point out the importance of taking care of the nutritional status of patients in relation to their life expectancy and quality and highlight the value of constant monitoring of swallowing abilities to prevent associated complications (e.g. malnutrition and / or dehydration).


A correct mutlidisciplinary management, which includes a constant assessment of swallowing and the use of specific dietary protocols, improves the nutrition of patients with ALS, reducing the risk of complications development (e.g. malnutrition, aspiration during the meal) and improving the life quality of the patient.

Key – words

Dysphagia, Speech Therapy, Malnutrition, ALS.


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How to Cite
Bua, A., Collovà, L. U., Lombino, A., Petronaci, A., & Sprini, D. (2020). Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): dysphagia assessment and nutritional aspects management. Journal of Biomedical Practitioners, 4(1).


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