1) DOAJ is an independent online directory, edited by the community of open access publication publishers that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, and peer-reviewed journals. DOAJ indexing offers a scientific journal:

• greater visibility and impact, distribution and use of its content by a large audience in view of the fact that DOAJ has more than 900,000 page views and 300,000 unique visitors per month from all over the world;

• many aggregators, databases, libraries, publishers and research portals collect metadata from DOAJ for free and include them in their products; examples are Scopus, serial solutions and EBSCO;

• DOAJ complies with the Open Archives Initiative (OAI). Therefore, once an article is indexed in DOAJ, it immediately becomes accessible to readers;

• DOAJ conforms to OpenURL. Once an article is in DOAJ, it automatically becomes linkable;

• over 95% of the DOAJ Publisher community said that DOAJ is important for increasing the visibility of their magazine;

• DOAJ is often cited as a source of quality and open access publications in the field of scientific research and school and academic publishing;

2) OpenAIRE: OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe), as part of the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. OpenAIRE is an infrastructure supporting Open Science in Europe, established with the aim of supporting the implementation of the Open Access Pilot Project formalized by the European Union in 2008;

 3) Google Scholar: is a powerful academic literature search engine, freely accessible, which allows you to locate peer-reviewed articles, degree and doctoral theses, books, bibliographic searches by drawing directly from advanced sources such as universities, academic databases, school sites and publishers, highlighting the link for download;

4) BASE: (Bielefed Academic Search Engine), one of the largest search engines in the web, in particular for academic web resources. BASE provides over 100 million documents from over 5,000 sources. You can access the complete texts of approximately 60% of the indexed documents for free (open access). BASE is managed by the Library of the University of Bielefeld;

5) ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resouces), is the directory of Open Access academic resources; is a service offered by the ISSN International Center with the support of the UNESCO Communication and Information Sector. ROAD provides free access to a subset of the ISSN registry (1.8 million bibliographic records: journals, conference proceedings, and academic archives, ect.);

6) ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) is a small working group of medical journal editors whose members meet annually and make recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing, and publication of academic work in medical journals. JBP formally adheres to the recommendations of ICMJE and is therefore on the list of its members;

7) The ISSN Portal for Journal of Biomedical Practitioners