Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor proposed to another Journal (or an explanation is provided to the editor in the comments).
  • The submission file is in an OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format. The files to be inserted must be two:
    1) original text with all data including the contact details of the author of reference (e-mail and personal telephone);
    2) text made anonymous without names, affiliations, and without identification marks in the text (structure, names, etc.);
    3) a separate file with figures-images, original and high-quality tables with relative captions.
  • Where possible, the URLs of the references have been provided: Guidelines
  • Text, illustrations, figures, tables, manuscript, notes, summary, keywords, bibliography, captions must be produced in original or with authorizations for use by third parties or from openaccess literature, in this case, clearly mentioning the sources and in any case in according to the following EDITORIAL RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS (http://consultatsrm.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/NORME-EDITORIALI-E-LINEE-GUIDA-PER-GLI-AUTORI.pdf)
  • The text complies with the stylistic and bibliographical requirements summarized in the PUBLISHING REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS, which is found on the information page of the magazine: http://consultatsrm.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/NORME-EDITORIALI-E-LINEE-GUIDA-PER-GLI-AUTORI.pdf
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the Journal, follow the instructions on How to ensure a blind review.
  • Decisions for publication: JBP Directors have the right to accept or reject the manuscript according on its relevance, originality, and clarity, after verifying that all of the ethical aspects have been adequately addressed.
  • NOTE: for registration, use the link at the top of the homepage of the journal. Considering the multi-professional and interdisciplinary nature of JBP, also enter the profession carried out in the "affiliation" field.
  • Policy of screening for plagiarism.


    JBP strongly opposes and contrasts any form of plagiarism, for this reason it will not publish works characterized by it: as a tool for verifying and actively contrasting plagiarism, JBP uses Turnitin, a software that allows verification of the authenticity and classification of the works submitted for publication.


Disclaimer: Members of the Editorial Board are not responsible for the content of articles published in the Journal. Responsibility for the contents lies with the authors. Authors must ensure that the text and videos included in their manuscript does not violate copyright laws.

Note: although an English version can be provided, THE FIRST SUBMISSION MUST BE IN ITALIAN. The English version will be a translation of the accepted Italian version.

JBP publishes original scientific articles written as editorials, original articles, reviews, clinical cases, special articles.

Manuscripts must be prepared following the rules for Authors, which comply with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Editors published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (www.icmje.org). Items that do not comply with international standards will not be considered.

The authors accept:

a) to adhere to and implement what is indicated in the JBP Code of Ethics;

b) that the work is subjected to peer-review (Peer Review Process).


All works will be examined by the Directors and by the Editors who reserve the right to refuse or accept the manuscript without revising it according to its relevance, originality, and clarity, as well as its relevance for the Journal. Also, they will verify that the submitted manuscripts comply with the ethical requirements of the Journal.

Accepted manuscripts will be subject to editorial review. In case of requests for changes, the new corrected version must be submitted again to the editorial staff, underlining and highlighting the modified parts. The revised version must be accompanied by a point-by-point reply to the reviewers' comments.





After registering with JBP and logging in, the authors can send a new proposal using the "Click here" button in the appropriate menu; the process of uploading the proposal will take place as follows:


1. Start: choose the desired language and proceed with the confirmation of each of the five points of the checklist (mandatory) of the proposal, at the foot of the page there is a box to add any useful information for the Editors.

2. Upload the proposal file: on this page, you can upload the file containing the material to be submitted to JBP (first make sure that the file corresponds to the stylistic specifications required)

3. Contribution metadata: This section is intended to add information regarding the author(s) (Profession, Affiliation, Country, e-mail address, etc ...). These steps are crucial and necessary to enter the Title, the Abstract and the Keywords relating to the proposal in the appropriate fields; at the bottom of the page there is a field to add the references

4. Upload of the Supplementary Material: this phase is optional, as it allows you to upload any extra material that could not be accommodated into the main manuscript;

5. Confirmation: the summary data of the proposal appears on this screen, furthermore through the "confirm" button, you can send your proposal to the JBP editorial staff.

It will be possible to check the progress of the submission by logging in to the magazine.