Focus and Scope

The dissemination of scientific research products is a fundamental tool for the cultural and professional growth of all professionals categories.  It contributes to the exchange and enrichment of knowledge with subsequent improvement of the performances carried out by professionals to the benefit of citizens.

With these requirements we gave birth to JBP - Journal of biomedical practitioners: a periodic magazine, peer reviewed, with technical-scientific-professional character aimed at the biomedical professional area.

The magazine is Open Access, therefore readable by everyone without a subscription; adopts the Creative Commons BY SA License, for which all the material is freely reusable, citing the source and the author.

The scientific magazine is associated with a Library section with a series of books "The Training Notebooks" dedicated to the publication of manuals and monographs Open Access as well. Moreover, there is a technical-scientific-professional character with didactic and / or in-depth functions in sectors specific scientific-disciplinary.

JBP also wants to be a "meeting place" where exchanging experiences between professionals who carry out their activity in all areas of Biomedical Sciences with the purpose of assistance, diagnostic-therapeutic, rehabilitation and prevention, both in the field of basic research and in that clinic.

Considering that in Italy multi-professional and interdisciplinary scientific journals, mainly published in Italian, are not particularly numerous, JBP fits into this context with the aim of promoting communication, integration and cooperation between the various biomedical professions through sharing not only technical-scientific-professional content, but also through a common ethical horizon.

The main topics managed by JBP concern the area:

  • technical-scientific in biomedicine;
  • organizational and economic management in the SSN;
  • legal-regulatory and evolution models of professional skills.

Peer Review Process

Peer Review

The selection of reviewers for each proposal is a responsibility of the Directors. It takes into account many factors, including the scientific-disciplinary sector, the experience, and the competence, as well as the indications provided by the authors or by other editors.

Each manuscript proposed for publication is first read by at least one of the editors. If at a first examination, the manuscript complies with the standards of the Journal, the editor will send it out for peer-review. The method used for peer-review is based on a double-blind assessment. The author is not aware of the name of the reviewers or the reviewers of the name of the author.

The purpose of the review is to provide authors with a reasoned assessment of the quality of the proposal. The reviews should also provide authors with guidance on how to improve their essay for publication in the journal.

The peer-review process, like the whole editorial flow, is managed by the JBP Directors, through the OJS platform.

Each auditor must adhere to and follow the JBP Code of Ethics.

Publication Frequency

JBP articles can be published all together, as part of a complete issue, with a definitive summary. Alternatively, articles can also be published individually, as soon as they have been accepted. In this case, they will be added to the summary from time to time to constitute, in any case, a definitive complete summary.

JBP publishes two annual issues, in the first and second semester.

Open Access Policy

This Journal provides open access to its content, believing that making research freely available to the public improves the exchange of knowledge globally.

The Journal is Open Access, therefore accessible by everyone without a subscription. It adopts the Creative Commons BY SA License (Attribution-Share in the same way 4.0 International), for which all the material is freely reusable, citing the source and the author.

The same open access policy will be applied to the series "Training Notebooks," in the Library section linked to this magazine. This is in accordance with the definition of Open Access given by the Budapest Open Access Initiative.


JBP is indexed in the following searching engines:

1) DOAJ is an independent online directory, edited by the community of open access publication publishers that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, and peer-reviewed journals. DOAJ indexing offers a scientific journal:

• greater visibility and impact, distribution and use of its content by a large audience in view of the fact that DOAJ has more than 900,000 page views and 300,000 unique visitors per month from all over the world;

• many aggregators, databases, libraries, publishers and research portals collect metadata from DOAJ for free and include them in their products; examples are Scopus, serial solutions and EBSCO;

• DOAJ complies with the Open Archives Initiative (OAI). Therefore, once an article is indexed in DOAJ, it immediately becomes accessible to readers;

• DOAJ conforms to OpenURL. Once an article is in DOAJ, it automatically becomes linkable;

• over 95% of the DOAJ Publisher community said that DOAJ is important for increasing the visibility of their magazine;

• DOAJ is often cited as a source of quality and open access publications in the field of scientific research and school and academic publishing.

2) BASE (Bielefed Academic Search Engine), one of the largest search engines in the web, in particular for academic web resources. BASE provides over 100 million documents from over 5,000 sources. You can access the complete texts of approximately 60% of the indexed documents for free (open access). BASE is managed by the Library of the University of Bielefeld;

 3) OpenAIRE: OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe), as part of the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. OpenAIRE is an infrastructure supporting Open Science in Europe, established with the aim of supporting the implementation of the Open Access Pilot Project formalized by the European Union in 2008;

Google Scholar: is a powerful academic literature search engine, freely accessible, which allows you to locate peer-reviewed articles, degree and doctoral theses, books, bibliographic searches by drawing directly from advanced sources such as universities, academic databases, school sites and publishers, highlighting a link to consult them;

4) ZENODO: Zenodo is a general-purpose open-access repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN. It allows researchers to deposit research papers, data sets, research software, reports, and any other research related digital artifacts. For each submission, a persistent digital object identifier (DOI) is minted, which makes the stored items easily citeable (;

5) ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resouces), is the directory of Open Access academic resources; is a service offered by the ISSN International Center with the support of the UNESCO Communication and Information Sector. ROAD provides free access to a subset of the ISSN registry (1.8 million bibliographic records: journals, conference proceedings, and academic archives, ect.);

6) ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) is a small working group of medical journal editors whose members meet annually and make recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing, and publication of academic work in medical journals. JBP formally adheres to the recommendations of ICMJE and is therefore on the list of its members;

7) The ISSN Portal for Journal of Biomedical Practitioners

Journal Poster

Journal Poster

We aim to eliminate barriers created by the cost of purchasing the Journal. Hence, the decision to publish JBP in Open Access follows the principles of the Berlin Declaration: "The Internet has radically changed the practical and economic realities of the distribution of scientific knowledge and cultural heritage. For the first time in history, the Internet is offering the opportunity to constitute a global and interactive instance of human knowledge and cultural heritage and to provide the guarantee of universal access. [...] Our mission of dissemination of knowledge is incomplete if the information is not made widely and readily available to the entire community. New opportunities for dissemination of knowledge must be supported, not only through traditional methods, but also through the paradigm of open access publications. We define open access as an extended source of human knowledge and cultural heritage that have been validated by the scientific community ".

The scientific contents of JBP are therefore free and free from any restrictions of license rights, without prejudice to the attribution of intellectual property provided for by the Creative Commons Licenses, for which all the material is freely reusable, citing the source and the author.

The editorial line will follow two directives: one is the specific scientific research in the individual scientific-disciplinary sectors. The other is the promotion of collaboration for interdisciplinary and multi-professional scientific and bibliographic production, with the aim of developing scientific evidence in biomedicine (EBM) and good practices (EBP) to improve health services for the benefit of the readers and, at the same time, optimizing the production processes within healthcare structures.

For this, we primarily address the "practitioners," intended as anyone who practices a profession, in this case, primarily in the biomedical and health areas, including management, economics, clinical risk, engineering, logistics, telemedicine, industry, sociology, psychology, computer science, etc..

Ethical Code

JBP: Journal of Biomedical Practitioners complies with the best publication criteria. Prevention of negligent publication practices is one of the most critical responsibilities of the Directors and the Editorial Board. The Code describes the policies aimed at ensuring the ethical treatment of all those who participate in the review and publication processes. JBP Directors and Editors, Curators, Reviewers, and Authors are advised to follow these guidelines and to address any questions or concerns to the management and editorial team.

Guidelines apply to any manuscripts submitted to JBP, which can be reviewed at any time by the Chief Editor and the Editorial Managers. The following duties, indicated for editors and editors, authors, and reviewers, are based on the COPE – Core practices:

(accessed July 2020)

Duties of the Editorial Board

The Director(s) and the Editorial Board are responsible for the content of the Journal, and for guarantying the integrity of published manuscripts.

-Decisions for Publication: The Directors / Editors have the ultimate decision regarding acceptance or rejection of submitted manuscripts. This decision is based on relevance, originality, and clarity of the manuscript, as well as its pertinence to the Journal.

- Manuscript Review: JBP practices a double-blind review process, in which the Authors do not know the Reviewers and vice versa. It is the responsibility of the Directors / Curators to ensure timely, independent, and anonymous revisions by qualified auditors who do not have conflicts of interest for any manuscript submitted to the Journal. It is responsibility of the Directors / Curators to ensure an adequate number of competent reviewers. Their contribution will be acknowledged in the Journal at the end of each year. The list of reviewers will be public and traceable on the magazine's website.

- Unbiased review: The Directors / Curators and the Editorial Board must ensure that every manuscript received by JBP is examined for intellectual content, without consideration of gender, gender, race, religion, citizenship, etc. of the authors.

- Confidentiality: The Directors / Curators and the Editorial Committee must ensure that every effort is made to guarantee the confidentiality and protection of the submitted material, as well as the identity of the authors and reviewers.

-Disclosure: The Directors / Curators must ensure that submitted manuscripts are maintained confidential and that their contents are not disclosed to anyone other than the author and the reviewers.

-Conflicts of interest: The Directors / Curators must refuse to consider a manuscript for which they have a potential conflict of interest resulting from a relationship or financial connection, competition, collaboration, or others, with any of the authors, companies or institutions associated with the manuscript.

-Authority: The Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Directors have the final authority and responsibility for the Journal. The Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Directors must respect the constituent parts of the Journal (Readers, Authors, Reviewers, Curators, Editorial Committee) and work to secure the honesty and integrity of the contents of the Journal, as well as continuously improve its quality.

Duties of the Reviewers

- Unbiased reviews: Reviewers must evaluate manuscripts objectively, impartially, and professionally. Reviewers should avoid any personal biases in commenting or judging the submitted manuscripts. They will have to express their opinions with clarity and provide justified and impartial reviews. They must avoid personal attacks and must not include any derogatory, inaccurate, libelous, misleading, obscene, outrageous, illegal, or objectionable statement that violates the copyright, privacy or any other right of any other person.

Confidentiality: Every information related to the manuscripts presented by the authors must be confidential. Reviewers should not discuss the manuscript with anyone other than the Directors / Editors, nor should they discuss any information from the manuscript without permission.

-Recognition of sources: Manuscript Reviewers must ensure that authors acknowledge all of the data sources used in their research. Any similarities or overlap with other published data of which the reviewer has personal knowledge must be immediately communicated to the Directors / Editors.

-Punctuality: In the event that a reviewer realizes that it is not possible for him/her to complete the revision of the manuscript within the deadline, he/she must inform the Directors / Editors, so that the manuscript can be sent to another reviewer.

-Right of renunciation: Reviewers must refuse to review manuscripts:

a) if they have already provided the Author with comments on the same manuscript in a previous iteration;

b) if they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, financial, institutional, personal, or other relationships or connections with any company, institution, or person connected to the manuscripts.

- Complaints: Any complaint regarding the Journal must, in the first instance, be directed to the Director and Editorial Directors of JBP.

Duties of the Author(s)

-Originality and Policies to contrast plagiarism: JBP condemns any forms of plagiarism. Authors must state that their work is not copied, in any part, by any other manuscript, neither of their production nor others, that their work is original and that it has not been published elsewhere in whole or as a part. The author must not submit manuscripts (or manuscripts that describe the same content) to multiple Journals simultaneously. JBP will use Turnitin, a software that allows verification of the authenticity and classification of manuscripts submitted for publication.

-Author of the article: Those who made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the study. Those who have made a significant contribution must be listed as coauthors. The author should obtain approval of the final version of the article from all coauthors, who should grant their consent to the final publication.

- Plagiarism and self-plagiarism: Submitted manuscripts must be free of plagiarism, falsification, fakes, or omissions of significant material. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism constitute unethical editorial behaviors that are unacceptable. JBP Directors and Editorial Board reserve the right to evaluate cases of plagiarism and redundancy from time to time.

-Recognition of sources and conflicts of interest:  Authors must explicitly indicate all the sources that contributed to the research and also declare any conflicts of interest.

-Access to data and storage: The author must provide the dataset used for preparation of the manuscript for editorial review.

-Punctuality: Authors must be prompt in their revisions. If an Author fails to meet the deadline, he/she must contact the Directors / Curators, who will decide whether to extend the deadline or to withdraw the article from the review process.

- Fundamental errors in published articles: The Author must promptly inform the Directors / Curators of any obvious error in the published article and cooperate with the Directors in withdrawing or correcting the article. If the responsible Director has noticed from others that are not the author, that the published material contains an obvious error, the author will have to write a retraction or make the correction based on the media of the publication.



The Code of Ethics is largely based on the following online source, which is recommended reading for ethical guidelines:

 - COPE – Core practices, (accessed July 2020).

Frequency of publication

JBP publishes two annual issues, in the first and second semester of each year. Articles can be added immediately after their final approval.

Article Processing Charges (APC) and submission charges

JBP consistently with the purposes and commitments stated so far, will not require authors of any Article Processing Charges and/or Submission charges.

Sources of Support

JBP does not benefit from any financial support or other supports.

Journal History

JBP: the origin of the Editorial Project

The JBP Magazine was born on an idea from Francesco Paolo Sellitti shared and developed with Antonio Alemanno since 2016. They both believe that each one’s professional growth is based on scientific activities and their dissemination.

The sharing of knowledge, full, free and open access, is the basis of the choice of a multi-professional Scientific Journal encouraging the exchange of experiences and thus improving the performance of citizens. The project starts from the idea of the multi-professionalism and knowledge-sharing by Alessandro Alemanno and Francesco Sellitti and it is just at the basis of the Journal name “Journal of Biomedical Practitioners”. These ideas are also at base of Logo and the Cover design realized by Francesco Sellitti.

Thanks to the opportunity offered to its employees by the University of Turin, Sellitti created SIRIO (Sistema Riviste Open Access – Open Access System Journal), a web platform for Editorial Project. They were assisted by the essential competence of Elena Giglia and Alessandro Leccese.

The fundamental contribution, from the beginning, of Simone Urietti, Mario Coriasco, Annamaria Vernone and Sergio Rabellino, allowed for the development of the Scientific Journal. Thanks also to the qualified graphic and printing layout realized by Mario Coriasco and Sergio Rabellino.

The Journal was realized with Dyslexia Friendly EasyReading Font, “High-Legibility typeface” thank to Federico Alfonsetti (

Journal membership are authoritative Professionals and Professors of the Biomedical Area both as Scientific Committee and Reviewers.

The adhesion to the Editorial Project of various scientific associations, have even more and better qualified JBP Journal.

The choice to publish primarily in the Italian language, has the aim of encouraging writing to all those Professionals that, although highly qualified, do not have adequate confidence with the English language commonly used in scientific publications; the Editorial Committee wishes and encourages, however, the publication of the same articles also in English to facilitate access to their contents also in the international context. The OJS software used by the platform allows it.

The Scientific Journal has a Library section dedicated to the publication of manuals and monographs, with access free of charge, published in the form of a series called “training notebooks”.

The Library section contributes both to students' training, one of the primary tasks of university institutions, and to the professionals already in activities that wish to update or deepen specific scientific fields.

The publication of the first issue of the Journal, on 25 July 2017, allowed to get the ISSN number 2532-7925, which uniquely identifies JBP. The Drafting Committee wishes everyone a good reading and invites to register, free of charge, at JBP and to propose scientific contributions.