Introducción. Hacia Occidente: recorridos interculturales e interlingüísticos en el mundo ibérico


This text presents and describes the set of studies linked by the collaboration of their authors in the same project, the final result of which is the monograph entitled Alla volta del mondo iberico: percorsi interculturali e interlinguistici, which has been to identify, analyse and make known the written and visual testimonies of the different and varied interlinguistic and intercultural relations between the Iberian and Latin American worlds, as well as Italy.  The common denominator of the different contributions is the journey in its different configurations, which allows the articles to be grouped into three interrelated blocks. The first (“Viajes y viajeros: experiencias interculturales lusitanas”) contains three Works (Abbati, Rei, Bertoneri-Quintais) dedicated to the journey as the central theme of the works under study, which in turn are the result of the journeys undertaken by their creators. The second (“Traducción y recepción de obras en Italia y en la Península Ibérica”) contains five works on translation as a journey of recoding words, in this case from medieval poetry (Mininni), novels (Esposito, Lombó Mulliert), plays and exempla (Paltrinieri). In the third and last one, the journey is reflected linguistically through the contact of languages in the same space, giving rise to influences from one to the other (Zaccone) or even generating a mixture, a hybridisation (Bermejo Calleja), or, also, arousing an interest in learning it as a foreign language (Capponi).

Monografico. Verso Occidente. Alla volta del mondo iberico: percorsi interculturali e interlinguistici (coordinado por Felisa Bermejo)