Conceptual developments in the literary expression of the romancero nuevo: love and militia in its phraseological formulations


  • Santiago Vicente Llavata Universitat de València



The main objective of this work is to analyze, from a stylistic point of view, the phraseological formulations related to the themes of love and the milita in the textual environment of the romancero nuevo. For this purpose, the Flor de varios romances nuevos y canciones recopiladas por Pedro de Moncayo (Huesca, 1589) is taken as the core corpus, although the data provided by this early example of the new romancero style are complemented by those of the Romancero historiado (Alcalá, 1582) by Lucas Rodríguez. Thus, based on the close relationship between historical phraseology and the romancero, the aim is, on the one hand, to underline the chronological line drawn in the romancero texts in relation to the process of institutionalization of the phraseological units considered and, on the other hand, to highlight how the phraseological component can contribute to characterize the creative universe of the romancero nuevo from a phraseological diachrony.






Monográfico 24.2: Aportaciones renovadas a la fraseología histórica española: avances metodológicos, tradiciones textuales y desarrollos conceptuales (coordinado por Francisco P. Pla Colomer y Santiago Vicente Llavata)