Italianismi nelle espressioni idiomatiche in Argentina e Uruguay: un’analisi

  • Maria Carmela Zaccone Università di Torino


Migratory movements, from European countries towards the Río de la Plata, gave rise to several situations of interlingual and intralingual contact (Cuadrado Rey, 2020). Unquestioned testimony of this transformation and central topic of this study is the rioplantense phraseology. Precisely, the research focuses on the quantitative analysis of Italianisms in the idiomatic expressions of Uruguay’s and Argentina’s Spanish and on the relationship of equivalence between these and their original forms. Therefore, it consists, firstly, of the identification of one hundred and eight expressions present within the Meo Zilio’s register (1970) and, secondly, of the selection and analysis of thirty-one expressions in the Diccionario del español del Uruguay (2012) and the Diccionario de la Lengua de la Argentina (2019). Finally, as data shows, it is possible to demonstrate how social and cultural changes and transformations can influence idiomatic expressions generating, in some cases, new ones.

Monografico. Verso Occidente. Alla volta del mondo iberico: percorsi interculturali e interlinguistici (coordinado por Felisa Bermejo)