Exploring sustainability from the Islamic finance perspective

  • Valerio Brescia University of Turin, Department of Management https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7919-5370
  • Auwal Adam Sa'ad Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance
  • Syed Musa Bin Syed Jaafar Alhabshi Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance
  • Rusni Bt Hassan Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance
  • Federico Lanzalonga University of Turin, Department of Management https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3195-3528
Keywords: Islamic finance, Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability, Economic sustainability, Social sustainability, Literature review, Bibliometric analysis


The article explores a sample of papers on Islamic finance and sustainability to define some streams of literature on this topic. The paper aims to validate whether it is possible to interpret the multitude of contributions on the subject in three different research streams that consider environmental, economic, and social sustainability. The research conducts a structured literature review on 73 articles extracted from Scopus. The bibliometric analysis revealed the descriptive statistics on this field and the main themes through the authors’ keywords. The different perspectives showed the multicultural nature of the topic, which is not only addressed by Islamic countries. Moreover, it made it possible to find correspondence in the theorisation underlying the article and to categorise the topics covered by the authors.


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How to Cite
Brescia, V., Sa’ad, A. A., Alhabshi, S. M. B. S. J., Hassan, R. B., & Lanzalonga, F. (2021). Exploring sustainability from the Islamic finance perspective. European Journal of Islamic Finance, (19), 45-53. https://doi.org/10.13135/2421-2172/6107