Haruo Ohara and the Haiku


  • Rodrigo Fontanari Université Catholique de São Paulo




Haïkaï, Photography, Literature, Haruo Ohara


The purpose of this essay is to reflect on the relationship between photography and haïkaï, using as an example the work of Brazilian photographer of Japanese origin, Haruo Ohara. His photographs are not meant to capture a moment as if they were made suddenly in time and space.  However, Haruo Ohara makes a kind of deconstruction of this conception by removing it from the condition of a simple memory (of remembrance) and placing it into a condition of suspended and live moment. Moreover, this photograph which seems to be close to the haïkaï, becomes, to put it in a very western literary manner, a kind of “incident”: an image that captures the world in the immediacy, without seeking any effect.


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Author Biography

Rodrigo Fontanari, Université Catholique de São Paulo

Docteur en Communicaon et Sémioque de l’Université Catholique de São Paulo, ayant soutenu une thèse, en 2012, autour de Roland Barthes et la photographie. Membre associé du Réseau de Recherche Roland Barthes (roland-barthes.org/reseau.html). Parcipe aussi à l’élaboraon du Diconnaire « Barthes » sous la direcon de Claude Coste. Auteur de RolandBarthes et la révélaon profane de la photographie (EDUC/FAPESP), paru en 2015.

