“From a Modernity to Another”: On Sandra Teroni’s Last Book

  • Luigi Marfè Università di Padova
Keywords: Modernism, French Literature, Charles Baudelaire, Jean-Paul Sartre, Subjectivity


A review of Sandra Teroni’s last book (Da una modernità all’altra. Tra Baudelaire e Sartre. Marsilio, Venezia: 2017), this article focuses on the critical debate on the notions of “modernity” and “modernism”, in particular in French culture. The theme of the “modern” is pervasive in the works by authors such as Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, Stéphane Mallarmé, Blaise Cendrars, Paul Morand, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Henri Michaux, André Malraux, Jean-Paul Sartre. These writers expressed their breakage of the tradition very differently, but they all insisted upon a common question: what does the notion of subjectivity mean in the modern society?


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