The Justiciary Sword of the Fantastic

“Parabellum” and “El pacto”, by Juan Marsé

  • Claudia Cabrera Espinosa El Colegio de México (México)
Keywords: Juan Marsé, Fantastic Literature, Parabellum, El pacto


This article proposes an approach to the stories “Parabellum” and “El pacto”, by Juan Marsé, from the ideological component and the theories of the fantastic. Both stories arise from an article by the Catalan writer about the memoirs of a Spanish politician who falsifies his memories during the Spanish Transition. In response, Marsé demonstrates his discontent by writing two stories in which the supernatural works as a way of condemning the actions of politicians. The aim of this paper is to study the background of the narratives, the figure of the implied author —which allows a glimpse of the empirical author's ideology— and the impossible facts with which the realist planes are transgressed and the fantastic is articulated.


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