Cicero and his Clamorous Silences: was he Fair Enough with the Epicure-ans and their Ethical and Political Views?

  • Javier Aoiz, JA Santiago de Chile University
  • Marcelo D. Boeri, MDB Pontifical Catholic University of Chile


Se la nostra conoscenza della filosofia epicurea dipendesse esclusivamente dalle informazioni trasmesse dai suoi avversari, saremmo praticamente all’oscuro della componente politica dello studio epicureo della natura (φυσιολογία) e delle considerazioni politiche che fondavano lo stile di vita epicureo. Questo articolo mostra come Cicerone ometta alcuni elementi dell’epicureismo che sono cruciali per comprendere come la riflessione politica fosse integrata nella filosofia epicurea. Sosteniamo che Cicerone omette consapevolmente importanti dettagli delle argomentazioni epicuree riguardanti l’etica e la politica e include alcuni silenzi che possono essere descritti come “clamorosi”. Tralasciando l’interconnessione cruciale tra la teoria politica e lo studio epicureo della natura, Cicerone include un riferimento passeggero al contrattualismo epicureo e non espone il quadro teorico epicureo in cui esso era originariamente inscritto.


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Biografie autore

Javier Aoiz, JA, Santiago de Chile University

Javier Aoiz ( is a Full Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Santiago de Chile University. He has been Full Professor at Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela), before moving to Chile. In 2006 he was awarded the Federico Ríu National Award for Philosophical Research (Venezuela). He is a founding member of the Venezuelan Society of Phenomenology, the Latin American Association of Ancient Philosophy, and the Group of Philosophical Research University of Salamanca-University Simón Bolívar. Aoiz’s main interests are centered on epistemology, ethics and moral psychology, and political philosophy in Aristotle, Plato, Stoicism, and Epicureanism.

Marcelo D. Boeri, MDB, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Marcelo D. Boeri ( is a Full Professor at the Institute of Philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. He has been a Junior Fellow at Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies (1999-2000) and a fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation (2009). He served as a co-editor of Méthexis (International Journal for Ancient Philosophy) and as a member of the editorial board of the International Plato Studies series (2007-2015, sponsored by the International Plato Society). His main topics of interest are epistemology, moral psychology, metaphysics, and political philosophy in Aristotle, Plato, Stoicism, and Epicureanism. Currently, Boeri works on the book Theory and Practice in Epicurean Political Philosophy: Security, Justice, and Tranquillity, in co-authorship with Javier Aoiz (recently accepted by Bloomsbury, London, UK, in its collection Bloomsbury Classical Studies Monographs)

Come citare
Aoiz, J., & Boeri, M. D. (2022). Cicero and his Clamorous Silences: was he Fair Enough with the Epicure-ans and their Ethical and Political Views?. Ciceroniana On Line, 6(1), 55-89.