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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1 The submission cannot have been published previously and cannot be under review by another journal (unless the author offers an explanation to the editor in the comments).

    2 The article being submitted should employ the following file format: Microsoft Word (.doc, not .docx).

    3 Whenever possible, authors should supply URLs for their references.

    4 The document should use 1.15 spacing in the main text and single spacing in the footnotes; font size should be 11-point in the main text and 9-point in the footnotes; italics should be used in place of underlining, except for URL addresses; any illustrations, pictures, and tables should be set in the appropriate part of the text rather than at the end.

    5 The text must comply with the stylistic and bibliographical requirements summarized in the Author Guidelines section, which is available via the journal’s information page.

    6 If you are submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please follow the instructions for “How to ensure a blind review.”

Author Guidelines


Style Sheet


  1. All papers must be submitted in both Microsoft Word (.doc, not .docx) and pdf format.
  2. Please use the font Linux Libertine O, even for Greek, which is available for free download from multiple sites (e.g.  Send an email to to receive the default formatting file.
  3. The first line of each paragraph must be indented by 0.5cm.
  4. Use 11 point type font for the body of the text and 9 point for the footnotes.
  5. Notes must be placed at the foot of the text and  must be serially numbered, referring to superscript numbers in the body of the text. Superscript figures will not be parenthesised and appear before any punctuation mark; however, place the note number outside the closing double quotation marks or brackets, as appropriate.
  6. If the article is subdivided into sections, section titles must be numbered using Arabic numerals followed by a full stop; numbers and titles must be in italics and small caps, in 11 point type, with a space below and two above.
  7. Titles of works cited must be in italics, unless the title is in Greek. We prefer to keep capitalisation of works cited to a minimum only in the references: so for example oti. 3, 7 (NOT Oti. 3, 7), but "Seneca’s De otio", "Homer’s Odyssey".
  8. Abbreviated names of both ancient and modern authors should appear in normal typeface, not small caps.
  9. When quoting Latin and Greek, please follow this format:
    1. Italicise Latin material that is not block quoted, i.e. single words or short phrases cited in the body of the text. Do not use quotation marks.
    2. Greek phrases or words should be in normal type face, again without quotation marks.
    3. Latin and Greek block quotes should be in normal typeface (this also applies to Latin citations), in 10 point type, set aside in a separate paragraph, without margins.
    4. Direct quotations, other than in Latin or Greek, should be enclosed in angle quotes («…»). Double quotation marks (“…”) should be used to indicate a quotation within a quotation.  Never use the simple quotation marks ‘’.
    5. Please italicise single words or common expressions cited in a language other than the paper’s language and Latin or Greek, as for example Leitmotiv, Forteben etc.
    6. Ellipsis points within square brackets ([…]) should be used to indicate an omission within a direct quotation.
    7. Dashes must be preceded and followed by a space – as here – to indicate an aside.
    8. When citing page numbers, please leave a space between the relevant abbreviation, whether p. or pp. (or col. or cols.; n. or nn.), and the numbers; equally, between the page number and f. or ff. So p. 16, not p.16; pp. 10 ff., not pp. 10ff.
    9. When using numbers in a series, use hyphens rather than dashes, and include all digits, as for example 123-125 (not 123-25).
    10. To reference an author, please include a space between surname and initial(s), so A. Rostagni, not A.Rostagni. The same for spaces between two letters in initials (e.g. E. J. Kenney, not E.J. Kenney).
    11. Use the following abbreviations: p., pp. for page/s; col./cols. for column/s; n., nn. for note/s; f., ff. for and (the) following page(s); v., vv. for verse/s; frg., frgs. for fragment/s; vol., vols. for volume/s.
    12. For quoting passages from ancient authors, use the following examples as guideline:

Thuc. 4, 25; Lucr. 6, 235-239 (without title);

Soph. Phil. 240;

Cic. de orat. 2, 100 (without chapter number);

Verg. Aen. 2, 20

Hor. carm. 3, 30, 8-10.


Please see the Thesaurus linguae Latinae for abbreviations of ancient and Medieval Latin works.


Roman numerals are reserved for multi-volume modern works.


Use the semicolon, not the full stop, to distinguish multiple quotations in a list, so Liv. 9, 11, 3; 9, 13, 4, and not Liv. 9, 11, 3. 13, 4.


  1. When citing modern works, please follow the Anglo-American convention:


In footnotes, the surname of the author, in normal typeface, will be followed by the year of publication. If relevant, page numbers should be included after a comma, without p./pp./col. etc.  So, La Penna 1963, 10-15; Tarrant 1997, 60.


The bibliography should be included after the body of the text and organised alphabetically. When formatting, please single-space entries, with a 6-point spacing after and a .5cm hanging indent for each entry.  See the example below for further guidelines:




Barchiesi 1997: A. Barchiesi, entry elegia, in Enciclopedia oraziana, vol. II, Roma 1997, pp. 42-44.

Canfora 1990: L. Canfora, L’autobiografia intellettuale, in G. Cavallo, P. Fedeli, A. Giardina (eds.), Lo spazio letterario di Roma antica, vol. III, La ricezione del testo, Roma 1990, pp. 11-51.

Harrison 1986: S. J. Harrison, Philosophical Imagery in Horace Odes 3.5, «CQ» 36, 1986, pp. 502-507.

Knoche 19572: U. Knoche, Die römische Satire, Göttingen 19572.

La Penna 1963: A. La Penna, Orazio e l’ideologia del principato, Torino 1963.

Pinotti 19922: P. Ovidio Nasone, Remedia amoris. Introduction, text and commentary by P. Pinotti, Bologna 19922.

Sandbach 1979: F. H. Sandbach, Il teatro comico in Grecia e a Roma, italian translation, Roma-Bari 1979.

Tarrant 1997: R. J. Tarrant, Aspects of Virgil’s reception in antiquity, in C. Martindale (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Virgil, Cambridge 1997, pp. 56-72.


Abbreviations of journal titles should be placed between angle quotes and should be taken from l’Année Philologique.

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