V. 17 N. 2 (2017)

Le sfide della pedagogia medica oggi. Un’analisi SWOT della SIPeM

Giulia Rampoldi
Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia – School of Medicine and Surgery, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Maria Grazia Strepparava
Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia – School of Medicine and Surgery, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Fabrizio Consorti
Dipartimento Scienze Chirurgiche Università ‘La Sapienza’ di Roma, Roma, Italy
Pubblicato October 6, 2017


In modern times, the Italian Society of Medical Pedagogy (SIPeM) faces greater complexity. Over the last decades, great changes of the SIPeM goals and instruments there has been. Therefore it is necessary today a reflection on the goals reached, on the difficulties encountered and on future challenges. Procedure: a SWOT analysis of SIPeM was conducted with the members of the Direct Board and the Heads of the Local Sections. Results: 23 conceptual units were identified and divided into strength elements (5), weakness (7), opportunity (6) and risk (5). Conclusions: the analysis confirms some strategic choices made by SIPeM, such as the Green Line Project and underlines the need to define their own future goals in order to plan the resources distribution.