V. 18 N. 1-2 (2018)

Introduction and implementation of problem based learning in preclinical years: a survey on students’ perspective

Oluwatosin Oyadiran
Avalon University School of Medicine, Netherland Antilles
Sajjad Huda
Avalon University School of Medicine, Netherland Antilles
Manish Mane Manohar
Avalon University School of Medicine, Netherland Antilles
Praveen Veetil
Avalon University School of Medicine, Netherland Antilles
Yogesh Acharya
Avalon University School of Medicine, Netherland Antilles

Pubblicato 2018-11-27

Parole chiave

  • Problem-based,
  • Best evidence medical education,
  • Curriculum


Today’s sprouting medical technology demands that students are more innovative in their approach towards medical practice. Problem based learning (PBL) has proven to be one of the most efficacious disciplines aimed at improving problem-solving skills and self-directed learning. The objective of this study was to review students’ perspectives on the implementation and effectiveness of PBL at Avalon University School of Medicine (AUSOM). A cross-sectional questionnaires survey was conducted among basic science students with qualitative and quantitative questionnaires. The response recorded and the data analysed using Stata-15 (StataCorp LLC). Most students believed PBL was beneficial to learning. 82.18% (n=83) agreed that they benefited from PBL and 91.09 % (n=92) were in concordance PBL provided a positive learning environment to enhance their understanding. The most important objectives of PBL identified by the students were to improve the presentation skills, enhance depth of understanding and develop critical thinking. PBL is helpful in improving students understanding of the basic medical science courses, allowing for self-improvement. PBL allows students to actively engage in the collaborative active learning process. It is imperative PBL should be introduced early in pre-clinical years and implemented effectively to enhance the learning environment with the favourable outcome.