Using art and literature in Medical and Healthcare Education: a case study in Obstetrics and Nursing at Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
Pubblicato 2024-11-20
Parole chiave
- the art of observation
Incorporating art and literature into healthcare education has emerged as an innovative
strategy to enhance essential skills such as emotional intelligence, communication, and
empathy among healthcare professionals (Zannini 2008; Lake et al. 2015; Bleakley 2015).
This case study focuses on the Specialist Course in Obstetrics and Nursing Pedagogy at
Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, where art and literature were integrated into a 16-hour
module (Healthcare Pedagogy), part of the “Methodologies and Tutorial Didactics” course.
This interdisciplinary approach was employed for four consecutive years, with the latest
iteration during the 2024-2025 academic year.