V. 24 N. 2: Special Issue Convengo "The art of observation"
Short paper

Art and dermatology

Massimo Papi
Conceiver of Dermart - Associate Editor International Journal Lower Extremity Wounds (IJLEW), GB

Pubblicato 2024-11-20

Parole chiave

  • the art of observation


Skin is the first surface, the first uncut sheet of paper that is offered to human beings in order to reproduce the world and communicate with abstract symbols. But also the surface of a seismographer, the sensitive gel of a probe that permanently observes the organic and psychic inner workings.
The lesions caused by skin disease are all made up of lines, shapes and colors that differ from the “normal” ones. They express themselves through frequently very precise color nuances creating specific patterns and shapes according to each specific disorder. Forming a first impression before a skin lesion, and subsequently paying attention to the details of its lines, shapes and colors, means to observe the skin with the awareness of performing an act of “aesthetic” analysis.