Vol. 23 No. 1 (2023)
Original articles

Medical drama as the development of narrative and ethical-communicative skills in situations of uncertainty: a training proposal

Angela Lucia Fogliato
A.O.U. Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Presidio CTO, Direzione Sanitaria
Lorenza Garrino
Master Executive Pratiche narrative nelle professioni della cura, COREP, Torino
Vincenzo Alastra
ASL Biella, S.S. Formazione e Sviluppo Risorse Umane
Barbara Bruschi
University of Turin
Published December 6, 2023
  • narration,
  • communication,
  • medical drama,
  • training,
  • health professionals


INTRODUCTION. The development of communication and deontological skills, indispensable aspects in the training of health professionals, implies the use of reflective and narrative training modes. The filmic image, a form of thinking that opens to various experiential aspects, can prove to be a fundamental learning tool with high training intensity.. The aim of the project is to prepare film materials from medical drama.

METHODS. The first episode of the Italian medical drama "DOC in your hands," 2020, RAI, loosely based on the biographical story of Dr. Pierdante Piccioni (2016), was chosen. After careful and repeated viewing of the film material, useful clips were identified to identify points of interest and potential educational reflections for the development of narrative and ethical-communicative skills in critical situations of uncertainty and unpredictability.

RESULTS. Fourteen clips were identified, the themes of which address communication with patients and their families, therapeutic alliance, professional and personal values, informed consent, disease awareness, and communication among professionals and with students. For each clip is

provided a title, description of the episode, and points of educational interest argued in light of the relevant literature to help and guide the trainer.

DISCUSSION. The analysis of episodes can be a useful pedagogical tool for training, as they are rich in depictions that could allow us to understand how emotions and communicative-relational skills, in addition to personal and professional values, can become an integral part of the health care profession by fostering the care relationship. It would be interesting to investigate and evaluate the formative implications of the training device.