Published 2020-12-11
- education - research - intervention,
- learning from experience,
- reflection,
- narration,
- oncological network
This paper presents the Crossover project, a particular training method which consisted in the
organization of short internships centered on the discussion between "peers" in a "cross" manner -
similarly to what happens in biology with the crossing over mechanism - on the practices used in the
various hospital sites of the Oncology Network of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta of the Network. With
what particular narrative-reflective devices can these short internships be conducted in order to bring
out and increase the practical knowledge of the professionals involved? How can the "circulation" of
good practices, the enhancement of the positive ones already used, but also a critical and reflective
review about one’s professional experience be promoted? The training and research steps mentioned
here carried out in accompaniment to the project, intended to provide some first answers to these
and other questions.